
Author: Admin Admin

Artificial Intelligence solutions

Industry 4.0 predictive maintenance

Industry 4.0 predictive maintenance: a case study

Revelis has always been involved in IoT Analytics and Industry 4.0 predictive maintenance and beyond, implementing tools for monitoring production processes and advanced data analysis techniques aimed at predicting and preventing failures. In this article, we will describe an industrial project in which these techniques have been applied. Industry 4.0 predictive maintenance: IoT Components in…
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Moneying RegTech and AML

Moneying: RegTech and AML for the prevention of financial crimes

Today, banks, insurance companies, financial intermediaries and a whole series of non-financial operators, such as gaming licensees, are required to comply with complex regulations governing digital financial flows. The number of regulations in this area has increased tenfold in recent years, making it increasingly difficult for fintech and other organizations to maintain compliance. The technological…
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