We believe in co-operation and scientific and technological growth
Co-operation agreements with scientific institutes of primary importance and innovative organizations allow us to acquire state-of-the-art know-how and to innovate our competencies

Universities and Research institutes
Revelis co-operate with Research organizations participating to Research projects with the aim to allow the technological transfer from academic field to industrial applications

Revelis co-operates with many Departments of UniCal
Department of Environment and Territory Engineering (DIATIC), in the MAITAN – Living Lab project
Department of Mathematic and Computer Science (DEMACS), in many research projects using IoT (Internet of Things) and Artificial Intelligence technologies
Department of Juridical and Business Sciences (DiScAg), by a “gamification” application used in Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Revelis co-operates with the Institute for high performance computing and networking (ICAR-CNR) in different fields
Predicitve Maintenance: deep learning techniques application on time series with the aim to find “anomalous” scenarios through outlier detection
Computer Vision: neural networks training for streaming video processing and object detection

Revelis co-operates with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of UniPA about innovation techniques on:
Big Data Analytics e Reasoning: deductive and inductive approaches for real-time Big Data analysis and decision support
Blockchain: distribued registry (ledger) applications in Finance e Manifacturing application fields

Revelis is part of the SMEs associated with the Cluster Technologies Foundation for Smart Cities & Communities Lombardy
The Cluster Technologies Foundation for Smart Cities & Communities Lombardy aims to bring together companies, research centers and stakeholders who have the skills and resources to promote and facilitate research in support of innovation, in order to design, develop and create the most advanced technological solutions for the integrated management of systems on an urban and metropolitan scale (with particular, but not exclusive reference to: renewable energy and energy efficiency, security and monitoring of the territory, mobility, health, well-being, e-government and justice , education and training, cultural heritage and tourism).

Revelis collaborates and actively participates in the events organized by Fintech District
Fintech District is an open ecosystem that seeds, promotes and drives innovation within the Italian fintech community, serving as a flagship brand in Italy and abroad.
Promotes sustainable growth within ecosystem participants, both individually and in close collaboration.

Revelis collaborates and actively participates in the events organized by the National Technological Cluster “Intelligent Factory”
The National Technological Cluster “Fabbrica Intelligente” is a recognized association with the aim of implementing a strategy based on research and innovation for the competitiveness of Italian manufacturing.
It is the only table at which all the stakeholders involved in the fate of Italian industry sit simultaneously: companies, business associations, regions, universities and research bodies, institutions.