
Digital Transformation: How to Tackle It with Revelis

Artificial Intelligence solutions

Trasformazione digitale

Digital transformation is a complex process that involves the adoption of digital technologies in all aspects of an organization to improve performance and operations. Today, it is undoubtedly an aspect that should not be underestimated. According to the data from the ‘Digital in Italy 2024’ report by Anitec-Assinform, the digital market is expected to grow annually, reaching a value of €91.6 billion by 2027.

However, digital transformation is not just about introducing new technological tools; it involves radically rethinking business processes, business models, and the organization’s culture.

Increasingly prominent in Italy as well, where 27% of the total resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan are dedicated to digital transition, this transformation encompasses three dimensions:

  • People: It requires a cultural change within the organization.
  • Company: Companies need to re-examine their business model based on new digital opportunities and challenges.
  • Technology: IT infrastructure must align with digital transformation goals.

Additionally, digital transformation should include key elements such as:

  • Digital Technologies: Implementing new technologies like cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).
  • Business Processes: Reviewing and optimizing business processes to increase efficiency and effectiveness, which can include process automation, adopting new business management software, and integrating digital platforms.
  • Business Models: Innovating business models to leverage digital opportunities, such as shifting from traditional sales models to subscription-based or digital service models.
  • Organizational Culture: Promoting a corporate culture that supports change, innovation, and continuous learning, often involving the adoption of agile methodologies and increased team collaboration.
  • Customer Experience: Enhancing customer experience through digital technologies to offer more personalized, faster, and accessible products and services.

Digital transformation is also a critical opportunity for companies of all sizes, as it represents the potential to achieve a long-term competitive advantage.

Goals and Steps of Digital Transformation 

Digital transformation is a continuous journey requiring constant commitment from the entire organization, capable of achieving objectives such as:

  • Increasing Efficiency and Productivity: Automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows, and using data to make better decisions.
  • Improving Customer Experience: Offering more personalized and interactive products and services, and providing quicker and more effective support.
  • Creating New Business Models: Exploring new market opportunities and developing new digital products and services.
  • Becoming More Agile and Adaptable: Quickly responding to market changes and new customer needs.

To achieve these goals, some best practices are essential:

  • Define a Clear and Shared Strategy: With specific and measurable objectives.
  • Involve All Employees: From strategy definition to implementation.
  • Invest in Training and Developing Digital Skills: Preparing employees to work with new technologies.
  • Adopt an Agile and Experimental Approach: To quickly adapt to changes and learn from mistakes.
  • Measure Results and Monitor Progress: Evaluating the effectiveness of digital transformation initiatives.

Tools for Digital Transformation 

Organizations today have an increasing number of personalized tools at their disposal for digital transformation, especially with AI solutions offering significant opportunities.

Numerous AI tools can support business digital transformation, including:

  • Business Process Automation (RPA): Using AI to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks like data entry, sending emails, and extracting information from documents, or even scheduling work shifts. For instance, Revelis’ i-Plan is an AI solution that enables automatic team scheduling in logistics and manufacturing.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Using Natural Language Processing techniques to interact with customers and provide real-time support, addressing inquiries, resolving issues, collecting feedback, and directing customers to appropriate support channels. An example is ARTICA by Revelis, a Text Analytics solution using NLP combined with machine learning and deep learning to analyze user-submitted tickets and support their resolution.
  • Data Analysis and Business Intelligence: Utilizing AI to extract insights from business data for better decision-making, identifying new opportunities, and improving business performance.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Using AI to analyze sensor data to predict when equipment is at risk of failure, helping companies prevent unplanned downtime and reduce maintenance costs.
  • Image and Language Recognition: Employing AI for various purposes such as product inspection, customer sentiment analysis, and automating data extraction.
  • Content Generation: Leveraging AI generative tools to automatically create content, saving companies time and money.
  • Personalization: Using AI to deliver personalized customer experiences by recommending relevant products or services, thus enhancing customer experience.
  • Quality Control: Implementing Computer Vision techniques for precise automatic inspections, allowing thorough product verification. An example is Colibri by Revelis, a platform using neural networks for quality control in industrial settings.
  • User Profiling and Lead Development: Using Big Data Analytics techniques to integrate data from heterogeneous sources, enabling personalized digital marketing campaigns. Revelis offers solutions based on Rialto™, a platform supporting the implementation and execution of AI applications and enabling Big Data analysis and monitoring for phenomenon prediction.
  • Energy Management: Monitoring electricity consumption and production from renewable sources poses a significant technological challenge today. In this area, Revelis developed EMPhaSys, a platform based on Rialto™ that enables various functionalities.
  • Medical Record Management and Report Analysis: AI technologies applied to texts can streamline processes related to research and analysis, supporting doctors in diagnosis and protocol application. Revelis’ MeDICA platform, based on Rialto™, enables automatic analysis and classification of medical documentation.

These are just some examples of AI tools that can be used for digital transformation. Generally, these tools can also be customized based on each company’s needs.


The trends in digital transformation have imposed technological, organizational, and cultural challenges that are tough to tackle but necessary, as digital transformation represents a crucial opportunity for SMEs to remain competitive in the digital age. Companies that embrace change and leverage digital capabilities will be more likely to succeed in the future.

In this context, Revelis is an excellent partner for change, capable of guiding organizations through digital transformation with professional consulting and offering customized solutions designed to optimize every process and create a long-term competitive advantage.