
How to organize work shifts with AI

Artificial Intelligence solutions

come organizzare turni di lavoro

Workforce management is the beating heart of every successful company. Among the most critical aspects of this management, workforce scheduling plays a central role. In this in-depth article, we will explore the universe of personnel scheduling and we will see how to organize work shifts with AI focusing on its applications in various industries. We will analyze the challenges associated with manual scheduling and elucidate the advantages derived from implementing advanced software solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the workforce scheduling process.

Workforce scheduling: the sectors and markets involved

Workforce scheduling is not limited to a single sector. From healthcare to hospitality, retail to manufacturing, shift management directly influences productivity and employee satisfaction. For instance, in healthcare, proper scheduling is crucial to ensure an adequate number of nurses and doctors during peak times, simultaneously reducing costs during periods of lower demand. In retail, the ability to adapt quickly to changes in consumer demand is essential to ensure that staff meets store needs.

The restaurant industry, with its peaks and troughs throughout the day, requires careful planning to optimize staff coverage. These are just a few examples that demonstrate the cross-industry relevance and importance of workforce scheduling.

Challenges of Manual Scheduling

Manual shift scheduling is a daunting task prone to human errors. Managing availability, considering vacation requests, and accounting for specific employee skills require a significant amount of time and effort. The complexity of balancing staffing levels with business needs is amplified by fluctuations in demand and seasonal variations. Moreover, human error can lead to overlapping shifts, staff shortages, or workload overload, negatively impacting service quality and employee satisfaction.

This is why today the question that more and more companies are asking is: how to organize work shifts more efficiently? The answer to this question lies in the use of artificial intelligence and in this article we see each advantage in detail.

How to organize work shifts more efficiently: the advantages of automation with AI

The advent of AI-based software solutions has revolutionized workforce scheduling, offering a range of distinctive advantages. Let’s delve into how to organize work shifts with AI automation translates into tangible benefits for businesses:

  • Optimization of Scheduling: One key advantage of AI in workforce scheduling is its ability to analyze large amounts of real-time and historical data. This analysis allows the creation of optimized work schedules tailored to the specific needs of the business. Algorithms can consider complex factors such as seasonality, past demand patterns, and market trends to predict and respond to fluctuations in demand, ensuring that the necessary resources are available during critical times.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: AI-based workforce scheduling systems can adapt quickly to changes in operational conditions. Flexibility is crucial, especially in sectors subject to sudden demand variations or emergency situations. AI can automatically adjust work schedules in response to unexpected events, ensuring that the workforce is aligned with business needs at all times.
  • Skills and Preferences Management: Artificial intelligence enables more accurate management of employee skills and preferences. Systems can take into account each worker’s specific skills, work-hour preferences, and personal constraints, ensuring a fair distribution of shifts and contributing to employee satisfaction. This personalized approach improves not only service quality but also overall workplace morale.
  • Error Reduction: Eliminating manual scheduling significantly reduces human errors. AI algorithms perform repetitive tasks tirelessly, minimizing errors such as shift overlaps, miscalculations of worked hours, and omissions of vacation requests. This not only increases efficiency but also contributes to more accurate and transparent human resource management.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis: AI-based solutions offer a unique advantage in real-time data analysis. Constantly monitoring the personnel situation allows companies to adapt quickly to sudden changes, improving operational efficiency and the ability to respond to unforeseen events.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with labor regulations is a critical element for many companies. AI-based systems can be configured to ensure that scheduling strictly adheres to regulations on working hours, breaks, and other regulations. This reduces the risk of regulatory violations and subsequent penalties.
  • Optimized Personnel Costs: Effective workforce scheduling is closely linked to labor costs. AI-based workforce scheduling systems help optimize resource allocation, minimizing costs without compromising service quality. This optimization is particularly significant in labor-intensive sectors such as retail and hospitality.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite significant advantages, the implementation of AI-based workforce scheduling systems is not without challenges. Some key issues that companies may face include:

  • Initial Costs: Implementing advanced solutions requires a significant initial investment. However, it is essential to consider this cost as a long-term investment, given the return on investment resulting from increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating new systems into existing infrastructure can be a complex task. It is crucial to ensure that the new solution seamlessly integrates with already-in-use personnel management systems.
  • Employee Training: The adoption of new technologies requires adequate employee training. Ensuring that employees are proficient in using the new systems is crucial to maximize the benefits of AI in workforce scheduling.
  • Data Security: With the increasing dependence on data, information security is a crucial aspect. Companies must implement robust security measures to protect employees’ sensitive data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.

How to organize work shifts: the future of workforce scheduling

Looking ahead, the future of workforce scheduling is heavily guided by technological innovation. The ongoing evolution of artificial intelligence, the adoption of more advanced machine learning algorithms, and integration with other emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) promise to take personnel management to new levels of efficiency and precision.

  • Combination of Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic Approaches: Hybrid systems combine elements of data-driven methods and expert systems to maximize the benefits of both approaches. This synergy allows greater flexibility and adaptability, as the system can learn from historical data while integrating expert rules to ensure accurate scheduling. In general, a hybrid model has a significant advantage, as it can achieve exceptional results with less training data and can lead to innovative and customized solutions for many different applications.
  • Emerging Technologies: The integration of emerging technologies, such as IoT sensors to monitor employees’ presence and activities in real-time, opens up new possibilities in workforce scheduling management. These additional data points allow a deeper understanding of workplace dynamics, positively influencing scheduling.
  • Extended Personalization: AI will enable even more extensive personalization in workforce scheduling. Systems will be able to adapt to individual employee needs, considering their preferences, skills, and personal situations.
  • Total Automation: The ultimate goal may be the total automation of workforce scheduling, where AI systems can handle the entire process without the need for human intervention. This would allow human resources to focus on more complex strategic and decision-making tasks.

i-Plan: Revelis’ Solution for Workforce Scheduling

Revelis has developed i-Plan, an automatic reasoning platform that, based on “strong” and “weak” constraints, allows the automatic calculation of work teams in logistics contexts.

i-Plan features functionalities to:

  • Define allocation needs (meta-plans)
  • Automatically calculate work shifts, respecting contractual and extra-contractual constraints
  • Allow planning personnel to manually modify calculated shifts
  • Quickly implement personnel allocation on single, daily, weekly, and monthly shifts

i-Plan has been successfully applied in some real cases:

  • Government Organization: A large public control organization implemented an AI-based workforce scheduling system to improve team management, optimizing allocated hours and maximizing project earnings.
  • Logistics Company: A company operating in a port environment adopted an AI-based workforce scheduling system to adapt to changes in demand throughout the week. AI considered factors such as incoming ship delays, worker skills, contractual constraints, to optimize scheduling. The result was an improvement in staff coverage during peak times, simultaneously enhancing performance.


In conclusion, workforce scheduling is a fundamental component for the success of any business, and artificial intelligence is emerging as an indispensable ally in this context. Through its ability to analyze complex data, learn from past patterns, and dynamically adapt to changing operational conditions, AI offers a range of tangible benefits. From cost optimization to improved employee satisfaction, the automation of workforce scheduling is redefining the rules of the game in multiple sectors. While challenges exist, they are overcome by the prospect of a future where personnel management is guided by intelligent algorithms and innovative solutions. Companies embracing this technological evolution position themselves competitively to address the challenges of the ever-evolving world of work.