Safety measures monitoring against the COVID-19 contagion
ai-Guard is a software solution that uses Computer Vision techniques based on neural networks for real-time video processing, to evaluate:
– the number of persons in a specific area;
– if these persons use facial masks;
– if the social distancing is maintained.
ai-Guard is available as a server or a “ready-to-use” device, that can be easily installed in every location.
Main features
ai-Guard uses a neural neetwork trained by Revelis to recognize different COVID-19 risky situations, respecting the privacy.

Person counting
ai-Guard is useful to count the number of persons in a place, to prevent gathering situations.

Facial mask detection
ai-Guard recognizes the use of facial masks, to verify if there are persons that are violating this security measure.

Social distancing
ai-Guard evaluates the distance between two persons, and in this way is able to recognize if the social distance safety measure is violated.

ai-Guard provides a sound warning when covid safety measures are violated. If the “all-in-one” device is connected to an external monitor, also a visual warning is enabled.
Use cases
ai-Guard can be applied in many different scenarios
Offices, public places, hospitals and schools are more safe with the active safety measures monitoring.
Offices and companies
ai-Guard “ready-to-use” can be easily installed in every office – from narrow rooms to open spaces. ai-Guard Server can be used by organizations that have video-surveillance systems.

ai-Guard is used by the Polo NET cluster and by the Intellimech Consortium.
ai-Guard can be used in waiting rooms and in every location where there is a big number of persons.

The Cardiology Unit in Policlinico of Germaneto – Catanzaro is involved in an experimentation of ai-Guard.
Shops, public stores, museums
ai-Guard can be used to notify the violation of safety measures to customers or visitors.

The Amarelli’s Museum of Liquorice in Rossano (CS) uses ai-Guard for visitors monitoring.
Schools and universities
Schools and universities can use ai-Guard to prevent gathering and to verify that students and teachers are respecting safety measures.

The “Pitagora” Statal High School in Rende (CS) uses ai-Guard in an area where there is an high crowd probablity.

ai-Guard is designed to respect privacy policies and GDPR. No images are stored in databases or similar, and when the device is connected to an external monitor all faces are obscured.
ai-Guard is designed to be very simple to install and use
ai-Guard Server
For organizations with a pre-existent video-surveillance system, ai-Guard server can be connected to video streams; alarms can be sent to third party systems via API.

ai-Guard “ready-to-run”
ai-Guard “ready-to-run” device requires only a power supply to be activated. You can also connect the devices to an external monitor through an HDMI cable.

ai-Guard won the “Top of the PID” prize during the Italian Internet Governance Forum Italia – IGF 2020.
IGF is organized by Unioncamere with the aegis of United Nations, to promote the debate about Internet governance intiatives.
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