A sustainable company is an organization that, with its work, helps society to face many challenges related to sustainability, such as climate change, pollution or sustainable energy, and also the development of a more inclusive society and economic growth.
Sustainable development has long been at the heart of the European project: the United Nations 2030 Agenda establishes 17 “sustainable development goals” (SDGs), with the aim to achieve a balance between the three dimensions of world development:
- economic
- social
- environmental
The SDGs for the next 15 years also focus on:
- human dignity
- regional and world stability
- a healthy planet
- fair and resilient societies
- economic prosperity
Being a sustainable company today means being at the state-of-the art in technology, and being careful to the wellness of people and the planet through choices that produce a positive impact for everyone.
To achieve these goals, it is essential to invest in research and innovation; it’s a fact that, today, sustainable companies that first invested in new digital technologies reap the benefits and opportunities that these have been able to bring to their business.
The main strategic technology for the development of sustainable solutions is artificial intelligence, which can be effectively applied in the following application sectors:
- Health
- Energy Management
- Customer Profiling
- Digital Marketing
- Business Process Management
- Management of water resources
- Geospatial Intelligence

Ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all at all ages is the third of the 17 objectives set out in Agenda 30. In this context, AI provides support for the development of solutions that optimize and simplify the processes performed by medical staff, thereby making them more efficient and effective.
Among the solutions developed in Revelis for the hospital sector we find:
- MeDiCA, a platform based on Rialto ™ capable of making the management of medical records more efficient by enabling the analysis and automatic classification of health records such as analysis of reports and management of medical records
- ai-Guard, a solution that uses Computer Vision techniques based on a neural network trained by Revelis to recognize various risk scenarios from COVID-19 contagion
Energy Management
A sustainable company is characterized by constant monitoring of electricity consumption and the intelligent management of renewable sources. The diffusion of IoT technologies and Artificial Intelligence techniques allow today to have extremely reliable and effective energy management solutions.
Revelis’ solution for energy management is EMPhaSys, a platform based on Rialto ™ capable of storing and processing time series for the withdrawal and injection of electricity from electronic meters installed on the network. This solution is ideal for:
- identify customer consumption profiles
- offer customers personalized offers
- detect and prevent fraud
Customer Profiling
Promoting inclusive, sustained and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all is goal #8 set out in the 2030 agenda.
For the economic growth of companies, customer profiling is an important objective capable of guaranteeing companies various benefits in terms of quality and efficiency of the service offered to the customer.
Digital Marketing
Always referring to the SDGs #8, digital marketing is an activity that cannot be ignored to increase the competitiveness of businesses.
Revelis solutions allow you to manage a large amount of data from heterogeneous information sources, providing companies with intelligent functions to support digital marketing campaigns.
Business Process Management
Building solid infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation is goal #9 of the SDGs.
To support companies in achieving this goal, in Revelis we have developed solutions for:
- Predictive Maintenance. Connected and real-time IoT solutions allow companies to acquire a lot of data on the operation of machinery in order to predict failures and obtain a reduction in costs as well as more efficient production processes
- Quality Control. Through Computer Vision techniques it is possible to enable the creation of very precise automatic controls, which allow an exhaustive verification of the products made
Management of water resources
The SDGs #11 calls for the creation of sustainable cities and human settlements that are inclusive, safe and solid, and SGD #12 for the guarantee of sustainable consumption and production models.
In the context of environmental sustainability, these objectives therefore perfectly include the sustainable management of water resources, one of the most delicate tasks for Public Administrations today facilitated by the monitoring of water consumption.
In Revelis, we have developed the Hydrocontrol Artificial Intelligence platform for this purpose, by which it is possible to identify water losses due to faults on the network or water theft.
Geospatial Intelligence
Protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, managing forests in a sustainable way, fighting desertification, halting and reversing soil degradation and halting the loss of biodiversity are the elements that make up SDG #15..
Among the new technologies available to support this objective of environmental sustainability we find the GeoSpatial Intelligence solutions that exploit the Internet of Things as an infrastructure for detection and control, enabling a better understanding, modeling and monitoring of natural and artificial ecosystems.
For this purpose, in Revelis we have created Maitan, a GeoSpatial Intelligence platform for the automatic collection, analysis and monitoring of data concerning natural and anthropogenic targets such as:
- erosion escarpments
- slopes in instability
- point constructions
- infrastructure
To find out the most suitable solution to make your company sustainable, contact us; we will provide you with specialist consultancy to identify your needs, design the solution suitable for your purposes and implement the most suitable Artificial Intelligence techniques for your business.